Hope for the Future, First Snow

Type of art: Painting, Drawing, Graphics & Photography

This is a special limited-edition Illumachrome photograph, each photograph is developed by hand on crystal archival film in a darkroom. Each photograph comes with artist's signature and edition number. Crystal archival film edition limited to 25 prints. Silver hilade 12" x 12" edition limited to 100 prints. Location: Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming

Materials: Crystal Archival Film

Technique: Photograph Film Print

Size: 24" x 24"

Price: $2,000
Eugene Tapahe
(801) 367-2524
Eugene Tapahe, Navajo, is a designer, artist and photographer, who specializes in capturing the beautiful landscape and people of the Southwest. He receives inspiration from his grandmother, family, and culture. When Tapahe is on a photo shoot, he feels his ancestors' presence with him. He feels their love and blessings when he photographs places they once walked. Tapahe hopes you will appreciate his images and stories they tell as he continues his creative journey.
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